Enter a farm so you know the true meaning of Friendship among animals.Use a variety of true and false questions, fill in the blanks and multiple-choice questions to verify understanding. Order the events of the story as they happened. Students will share their opinions about the lifespan of animals on a farm. Write the vocabulary word of the book next to its meaning. Write the name of the character next to his quote from the novel. Describe how Wilbur tried to make his appearance look "radiant". Predict what will be the "masterpiece" of Carlota. Describe Templeton's character using examples from the book. Make a complete map of the web to list the main ideas of the story. In accordance with your State Standards and written Taxonomy Bloom, also include additional crossword puzzles, word search,
About the Novel:
Carlota's web is a magical story about childhood, friendship and loyalty. An eight-year-old girl named Fern saves the life of a newborn pig called Wilbur, and that's where the adventure begins. Soon, Wilbur and the other stable animals become an important part of Fern's life. Wilbur realizes that everyone in the barn is busy except him. It becomes lonely and sad. A sweet voice that comes out of the darkness of the barn says: "I will be your friend". The voice belongs to a small gray spider named Carlota A. Cavatica. Carlota turns out to be a great friend. Listen to Wilbur and enjoy his childhood character. He soon discovers what could happen to him when the cold weather arrives. Carlota promises that she will find a way to save her life. Through the wonderful writings in his web, Carlota saves Wilbur's life. And since he is his true friend, Wilbur saves Carlota's future.
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