List of products by brand Harper Collins Publishers

At HarperCollins, authors and their work are at the center of everything we do. We are proud to provide our authors with unprec…
At HarperCollins, authors and their work are at the center of everything we do. We are proud to provide our authors with unprecedented editorial excellence, marketing reach, long-standing connections with booksellers, and industry-leading insight into reader and consumer behavior.


During the difficult years of the nineteenth century South, an African American boy and his poor family rarely have enough to...

Stone Fox

Based on a Rocky Mountain legend, Stone Fox tells the story of Little Willy, who lives with his grandfather in Wyoming. When ...

Stuart Little

A hardcover edition of this treasured story, for which Garth Williams's original black-and-white line drawings for the jacket...

My Five Senses

Sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch—our five senses teach us about our world. Beloved author-illustrator Aliki’s simple, ...